This is Charles after a bad melt down.
He calmed and fell fast asleep
I love the reflections I caught in this pic.
There is one on the floor and one on the ball.
It did NOT look comfortable
They are angels when they sleep!!!!
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wow. powerful imagery with the pic of the 2 reflection and autism. loved this. praying for you. and him.
Thank you so much Erin. I had dealt with his melt for about 45 min and he seemed to be calming but was still screaming. I walked out onto the back porch came back in about 5 min later and he was asleep like this. So... I had to fetch the camera.
Aw. While my oldest doesn't have Autism, we have certainly had 45 minute screaming, throwing meltdowns with him. They are exhausting for everyone. I feel for you, and him.
Love the sleeping pics.
Thanks for stopping by today :)
Glad he finally calmed down for you. Melt downs really can do a number on everyone invovled!
Cute photos though!
And generally they are only angels when they sleep. Too cute.
Have a terrific WW. :)
Great photos!
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