Monday, November 22, 2010

Mommy Madness

Welcome to my day. I shall invite you in but with fair warning that you might want to run the other way. You see this morning I was trying to get Charlie ready for school and he was not cooperating. He said me do school at home. I told him that wasn't an option today and he had to get dressed. He then said his belly hurt and I checked him, he seemed fine. I convinced him to go to school so I got him dressed and off to school he went. If you have read my previous posts you will understand why I was so willing to put him on the bus. Can we say desperation for some sanity time?

I then proceeded to follow this up with a call to the school notifying them of my son's stomach ache. In other words I had to cover up the fact that I was sending him to school with a belly ache, by showing concern calling the school. This was around nine o'clock. At around 10:30 the school called me to ask me to pick him up. He had vomited all over himself and, to make it worse, he didn't have a change of clothes. When he got home he seemed fine. He said he felt better after informing me that he had started puking on the bus but he drinked it. Can we say gross??? He then proceeded to describe his puke to me and how it splattered on the floor. While I should be ecstatic that my son was able to be so verbal about this incident, it was downright disgusting and I didn't need to know. Who wants to hear about puke??

Could it get worse than that? YES!!!! I answer that quickly and sincerely!! I can't remember how many times he has vomited today but other than the vomit he is active and happy. Just a hint, If your child says My stomach.... run the other way. At least that's how I feel about it. I think my feelings on this issue became even stronger today. I approached him to give him a bucket because he said his stomach hurt, and before he even got the words out of his mouth vomit flew through the air onto my foot.Yuck!!! OMG....

Might I add that I have a very weak stomach and well, that did not help. I was gagging trying to stop my stomach from overturning, while debating on how to approach this disaster.  The thought to bribe my twelve year old when she came home from school to clean it up, but figured this would end in a bigger mess. I even considered calling FEMA and having them clean it up. These ideas were not reasonable,so I covered my nose and mouth with my shirt and a towel held open away from me. I tossed it over the mess and stepped away to gag some more. Oh My!!! How is it that after four children I still cannot manage to clean up puke with out puking myself?  All this time my son was sitting in the living room cuddled over a bucket with droll dripping down his chin. What a mom I am, no loving patting his back and telling him he is ok, No wiping his chin. Just tossing him a cloth from a distance and staying as far away from it as possible. Puke to me is like garlic to a vampire.

I did manage to clean it up, light incense and mop with a lot of Pine Sol. These items, were my saviors and thank god I have a washing machine. Imagine all of the top repeated about five times like a record with a scratch in it.  Ooops, now I must sound old cause I don't know how many people even know what a record looks like any more. I hope you enjoyed my post more than I have enjoyed my day.
Enhanced by Zemanta


Unknown said...


Oh man. That's all I have to say.

Anonymous said...

yuck yuck yuck... I'm the same way I alway end up joining in with them!!My oldest is doing the same but thank God he has made it to the restroom every time. I think he is finally over his or so I hope. Tell Charlie we hope he feels better soon!! We send our love!! Kim, Matt and family!!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps that desperate feeling should be kept in mind when you consider home-schooling?
While you may do a better job one-on-one than a teacher who has 10,15, or 20 other kids to teach keeping your sanity has to be a major consideration. Being your sons primary teacher 24x7 is unlikely to be in yours, or your extended familys' best interest.

Unknown said...

Yes, with the consideration of home schooling I have considered the craziness and I don't doubt that tghe teacher does have her hands full at times. I only wish to explore all options into whether my son is getting the best education I can offer him. I don't think that as parents we can always know what is right or wrong and if a certain task is going to be too much or not. I do have good days and then there are bad days. Would it be hectic, Yes!! but, what part of being a mommy isn't hectic? When you add on the special needs, well, you now have My Planet. Thanks so much for the input and yes, It was pretty gross yesterday.LOL

Unknown said...

There are very few things in life that can make even the most level-headed people become undone. Puke is one of them.

You're not crazy.