I must admit that the television is a wonderful help in the mornings. He has a set morning routine and it includes some TV time. Chucky never used to watch TV and I loved that, but I can say that it does help to motivate him. I allow the TV on when he first wakes and he can watch it for about 15 min before I have to start getting him ready. Then it is time to shower and we have to struggle with all of the sensory overload induced during this task. There are days he loves the shower and there are days even the sound of the shower is overwhelming for him. I remember when he refused to shower because he referred to it as mosquitoes biting him. Now he just tells me it is too loud. If anyone figures out how to turn the volume of the shower down, please let me in on that!
After he takes a shower we have to deal with the cold feeling he gets when he steps out of the shower. We won't even discuss the meltdown that occurs when the rug on the floor gets wet. He then refuses to get dressed because he is cold. Umm... last I knew, putting clothes on when you are cold, makes you warm. So, he runs into the living room where I chase him down and dry him off. Then we fight to get him dressed. At times he will put his underwear and shirt on. Pants are still a little tough for him but he has done it on his own on occasion. It is a major improvement to where we were last year.
After getting dressed we make breakfast which goes really smooth, once he decides what he wants to eat. The little booger will eat the same thing for a week and expect that food until one day he doesn't want to touch it anymore. Then I have to figure out what he wants to eat. LOL.... This is where it gets tricky because unfortunately I did not get ESP when I had him and therefore I cannot read his mind. Sometimes it is easy and then there are times it is trying. So he finally eats and we wait for the bus. Whew... what a busy morning. How do yours go? What makes it easier or harder?
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