Friday, August 10, 2012

Flasback Friday

8/10/2012 0 Comments

I am linking up with Crazy Mama! for Flashback Friday. 
How is this for a flashback friday? My dad was in Vietnam and after he passed away 
we found many albums of pictures from this era. Enjoy!!
This is my dad wrestling with a Vietnamese child

Posing in a tree

Medics with a child

This is my dad asleep with a baby. I don't think I ever met this child but I now know
that he had other children aside from us.

Left in the Dust

8/10/2012 4 Comments
Ever have someone ask you what you enjoy to do and have a hard time answering? How about the infamous conversation that ultimately ends up about your children? This is my life. I am so overwhelmed with my children that I do not have a life outside of them. I am not complaining, I just feel lost. I feel consumed. Anyone else feel consumed by your child(ren)'s needs? Honestly, everything keeps piling up, It is one thing after another. Nothing ever seems to slow down. Life seems to be racing past and it is moving so fast everything is a blur. Please tell me someone can relate cause I have been left in the dust.

It seems to be a thick dust that covers me in a massive coat of dirt. It wraps around me with particles of doubt, concern, and fear. The dust is embracing every aspect of my life and blinds me to my own needs. Every now and then a huge boulder will spit at me through the dust knocking me to my knees. It seems to fill my lungs with soot leaving it hard for me to breathe. The dust engulfs my surroundings leaving everything gray. I am  empty, alone, and silenced; until I struggle to lift myself back up off the ground and shake off.

The air around me starts to clear and I can breathe again. It still seems heavy and short but there is life in my lungs. I am still here, I still exist. I am changed forever though. That is just the way life works. This storm that just hit me has passed until the next one comes along but I survived it. It wasn't easy and I am not done. I still have to wash up, change my clothes, and do my hair so I can move forward as if nothing knocked me down.

As I clean myself up I notice how much change occurred,kids seem 3 inches taller, season is changing, and school year over. I wonder where the time went, as it seems like only yesterday. Seems as if things are slowing down for a moment and I am able to enjoy small simple pleasures. I notice the tiny insects crawling, the smile on my children's faces, and I rejoice in small accomplishments most take for granted. I have seen how fast my life is passing and I treasure the moments I can slow down. But I still can't find me. I guess all the storms of dust have swept me far away. Where have I gone? When is there time to savor me as a person instead of as a mom.

Someday, I will find myself, someday, I will give myself the time and attention I need. For now, it has to be about them. At this moment the winds are unpredictable and storms come frequently. Time seems to whiz by and moments are lost. I choose to treasure the people I can find. Love to the greatest level of loving and create the memories to remember. I choose to live and teach the greatest gifts I have and eventually the winds will slow down, the dust will fall to the ground, and I can start digging to find me again.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sweet Shot Tuesdays

8/07/2012 1 Comments
Sweet Shot Tuesday with Kent Weakley

Enjoy these interesting shots I took. 
I don't typically like bugs and critters but, 
with the camera in my hand, nothing is exempt!!

Wake Me Up!!!- Throat Punch Thursday

8/07/2012 3 Comments

I enjoy participating in this blog hop because it helps me get things off my mind. This week, I want to give myself a Throat Punch Thursday!! Weird right?? Let me explain.. When I joined a support group for special needs parents they read an essay that was very touching. It is called Welcome To Holland by Emily Perl Kingsley. It was a great read and it truly describes how I as a mom feel.

Welcome To Holland
I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability - to try to help people who have not shared that unique experience to understand it, to imagine how it would feel. It's like this......

When you're going to have a baby, it's like planning a fabulous vacation trip - to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum. The Michelangelo David. The gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It's all very exciting.

After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, "Welcome to Holland.
"Holland?!?" you say. "What do you mean Holland?? I signed up for Italy! I'm supposed to be in Italy. All my life I've dreamed of going to Italy."
But there's been a change in the flight plan. They've landed in Holland and there you must stay.
The important thing is that they haven't taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine and disease. It's just a different place.
So you must go out and buy new guide books. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met.
It's just a different place. It's slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you've been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around.... and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills....and Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandts.

But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy... and they're all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life, you will say "Yes, that's where I was supposed to go. That's what I had planned."And the pain of that will never, ever, ever, ever go away... because the loss of that dream is a very very significant loss.

But... if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things ... about Holland.

Emily Perl Kingsley

The only thing is I haven't come to see the beautiful flowers and windmills. I am not enjoying Holland and it is really hard to talk to the other parents that also live in Holland. Many of them have been living this life for a much longer time and seem so adapted. I feel as if I need to bite my tongue so I don't offend anyone. But.. Haven't they at some point felt similar feelings? Am I being ridiculous? I love my son and I will accept him for who he is but I can't seem to accept that he is deteriorating so quick. I can't accept the equipment that is now in place.
When Chucky Cheese was diagnosed with Autism, I had already accepted him for who he was and it didn't seem to affect me in a huge way. I think it is because I struggled for so long to get the doctors to listen that when they finally did I was relieved. At least there was an answer, it wasn't my parenting skills. I was able to cope and move forward. This time it isn't easy, not even a little bit.

C.C.'s motor skills have regressed drastically. It is heartbreaking to watch all the skills that he tried so much harder to accomplish disappear. He is needing adaptive furniture and strollers, and now he needs AFO's. So you can imagine how stressed an hurt I was when I read this letter. I changed his name to his nickname for privacy issues.

Dear Sirs,
Chucky Cheese is received physical therapy services at Rosendale Elementary School twice per week for 30 minute sessions. Since starting school in September of 2011 he has become noticeably more unsteady with his gait, falling several times and becoming progressively weaker with his routines in the therapy room.  This has been communicated several times to his mother.  I have spoken with his doctor about the lack of progress and the need to add more equipment in his room to accommodate safety concerns. He no longer can sit on the school benches in the lunchroom due to falling backwards; he now is in an adaptive seat with a footrest and a seatbelt.  He has fallen when trying reach for a dropped item from the chair.  He is unable to sit on the carpet in the classroom without support and now needs a Rifton adaptive seat for the carpet and in the classroom.  He is losing range of motion in his legs, his movements are clumsy and he is unable to do most of his exercises without moderate assist.

His mother is presently taking him for testing and he was seen by a Physiatrist in Albany who will be prescribing bilateral ankle foot orthotics for him to ambulate with. He does not tolerate ambulating long distances and often complains of joint pain, weakness and shortness of breath. It is highly recommended that a stroller be used to prevent overuse and damage of the joints when needing to go for extended outings.   He is unable to keep up with his peers at this time and will be having therapy increased to three times per week for the upcoming year.   If you need any more information please do not hesitate to call me at the school.

Thank you for time and effort,
Teresa M. RPT 

The reason this is a Throat Punch Thursday towards myself is because I cannot seem to get past the fact that my son is really physically disabled. There is nothing wrong with that but people are going to look at him now even more than before. Maybe I am willing to take the looks of disgust toward my parenting over the look of pity for my son. I think I can handle the ignorance of others above the pity and questioning looks of bystanders. I just don't want him to look "different" along with acting different.

I was talking to another parent when I was looking into an adaptive chair for C.C. I had told her that,"I didn't want to get him something that looked to "special needsy"." I look back on these words and while they may sound offensive it definitely wasn't intended to offend. What is my problem? I should be able to get my son whatever he needs without thinking about what others will think. I need a good kick to knock me out of this difficult time so I can get back up to fighting for my son and working to make his life as comfortable and enjoyable as it can be.

I guess it doesn't matter if he has an adaptive bike, braces, strollers, special chairs or whatever. If it helps him then it makes it easier for him. It comes down to trying to protect and shield him from ignorance and the world. It can be a cruel place out there but I need to accept the things I cannot change and work to make it as positive of an experience as I can for him. He is always going to have to deal with the issues of the world and I guess my job is to give him the confidence to be able to deal with it. I need to instill strength, courage and acceptance. I have to help him be comfortable in his own skin and whatever equipment he needs. The more comfortable and confident he is, the less he will care about what others think. I can do this and I will.
fail badge

Monday, August 6, 2012

Magic Marker Monday- Self Portrait

8/06/2012 2 Comments
Teaming up with Magic Marker Monday!! I must confess that at times when it is hard to see the wonderful accomplishments, this hop always makes me smile and think of something so thank you!!!

Charles brought this home on the last day of school. I thought it was really neat and decided to share it. There was a lot of hand over hand with this creation but he decorated it!!! Great job Chucky Cheese!!!

5 Minutes for Special Needs

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Explaining Special Needs To Siblings

8/01/2012 0 Comments
I am sitting here trying to settle a dispute between my children. Buddy is tired and the others wanted to play a game.Oh boy, now the youngest is going as well. How do you explain to the other children that sometimes things just can't happen?

The girls have been getting very angry with the boys. Sometimes I feel as if they can't even breathe correctly without the girls complaining. I wish I knew how to explain it to them but I don't. It is one of the hardest things as a mom, not knowing what to say or what the answers are.

Maybe, there are still some readers out there that might have some suggestions, answers or just support and understanding. Sometimes I feel so alone! I know I am not but I just feel isolated. I ask myself if that is normal but unfortunately, myself cannot answer these questions.

Yet Another.....Can You Guess??

8/01/2012 1 Comments
Yesterday I took Chucky Cheese to Capital Regions Orthopedics to see Dr. Andrew Dubin. This is the first Physiatrist that he has seen and comes very highly recommended. I have to say I was quite impressed with the visit.

Chucky Cheese has been to two Orthopedics as I was not convinced that there wasn't an orthopedic issue going on with his legs and both of them said that it did not seem to be orthopedic. Although the last Ortho wouldn't even look at the physical therapists notes or concerns. The PT sees my son more than the doctors have and I feel therefore would have more insight into what he is and isn't capable of doing on a daily basis.

Dr. Dubin was very thorough, answered any questions and explained anything that I didn't understand. He feels that Charlie's leg pain may be happening because he has a gait deficit.  He feels that it is in result to a larger issue but maybe AFO's will help his gait and eliminate some of his leg pain. Finally a doctor that could answer some of my concerns. He also mention Mito and Leukodystrophy which he is being tested for.
After the Appointment I took him to the
New York State Museum in Albany, NY.

He was fascinated with the escalators but nervous as well!!
It was quite humorous watching him !
He really liked this old orange Taxi Cab!!
This was really sad and hard to explain to him
but he stood here for quite a few minutes.
Then he turned to me and said,
"Good thing we weren't alive then!", and walked away!
This was his favorite fire truck
He got to see an old subway which was pretty cool!!
He didn't understand why the "people"wouldn't answer him!! LOLHe also asked me which was was me?? Umm... alrighty then!

But he had fun and the best part was doing puzzles 
in the discovery zone!!!

Charlie with his new friend Spots
doing puzzles!

They had a carousel!! 150 yrs old!  

Listening to sea shells
He now knows what
a payphone is!